Sunday, September 23, 2007

Australian Recipe from "Down Under"

This is from "Down Under" and it is certainly something that is not commonly served in America, its called Jolly Jumbuck In A Tuckerbag.

Ingredients: lamb rack, onion, dried mint leaves, parsley, rosemary, eggs, bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, Vegetable oil, Frozen pastry dough, Milk, and Salt & Pepper (Optional).

The first step to making this trimming the fat off of a lamb rack approximately weighing one pound.

Chop meat into cubes and place it in a food processor along with a quarter of an onion, one half teaspoon parsely, one half teaspoon rosemary, and one half teaspoon dried mint leaves.

Add one egg, one half teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and one half tea spoon bread crumbs. Mix this really well and use hands to mold the mixture into four meat patties.

Put the patties in a frying pan and pour just enough oil so they won't burn. Cook until the outsides looked cooked, but the inside should not be cooked yet.

Now, use one package of frozen pastry dough. Roll it out to be an eight of an inch thick. Meanwhile, the patties should be in the refridgerator cooling, just until they get cool.

Cut the dough into four circles about eight inches in diameter. Take pieces of the lamb bone and stick one piece in each patty. Then, take the patty and put it in the center of the dough.

Form the dough around the top of the bone. This will make it look like a bag, as reflected in the title. Use a piece of spagetti to tie a small bow, as if the spagetti were rope. Make sure that there are small holes in the top of the "bag," a fork can be used to do this.

Put the each "bag" on a baking sheet that is lightly greased. Now, take one egg yolk and one tablespoon of milk and mix them together. Using a basting brush, brush the mixture on to each "bag."

Bake the "bags" for ten to fifteen minutes on 450 degrees. Serve this dish when it is warm.
This recipe was from:

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