With Halloween just around the corner this recipe will be perfect for any party and it will be frighteningly tasteful!
Twizlers (Peelable type)
Black icing
White Icing
Two Resses Peanut Butter cups
Cake Mix (Any flavor that is desired)
First, bake the cake according to the instructions on the box, it should make two circular layers, each may differ slightly, but it usually takes about tweny to twenty-five minutes for it to completely cook.
Next, allow cake to cool completely before decorating. Take the two circular layers and place them on a large platter or tray. Take one of the circular layers and place it in the center of the tray. Cut the other layer in half and place them on the sides of the cake as wings with the rounded edge down and the flat edge up.
Now decorate! Use the black icing to ice the cake completely, wings and all (Make sure that the sides are iced as well so that the "seams" don't show. Using the white icing, make two circles for eyes in the center circle and fill them in with white icing. Place the two Reeses Peanut Butter cups in the center of the white circles for eye balls. Untwist a twizler so that you are left with strands. Place these on the wings in a curved fashion to show the folds of a bat's wing.
Last, but no least: Enjoy and Happy Halloween!
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1 comment:
more organized...easy on the eyes, nice work.
One of these days I am going to try one of these recipes....I'll keep you posted.
-prof O
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