Feel like something Polish? These Perogies will have you feeling you actually in Poland!
4 1/2 cups of flour
2 tablespoons of melted butter
2 cups of sour cream
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
8 peeled potatoes that are diced
1 cup of shredded chedder cheese (optional)
Put the flour in a bowl and set aside. In another bowl, whisk the sour cream, eggs, egg yolk, oil, and melted butter. Now, pour the bowl of flour into this bowl and mix together well. Let this bowl stand for 15-20 minutes.
Put the potatoes in a pot and fill the pot with just enough water so that the potatoes are just covered. Bring the water to a boil, the potatoes should be cooked until they are tender which will about about 15 minutes. When they are finished the water needs to be drained and then potates need to be mashed.
Add the shredded cheese and mix together. When it is mixed, set aside to allow it to cool.
The bowl that was made in the first step contains the perogie dough. This should be separated into two balls. Lightly flour a surface and roll out each ball of dough so that it is thin, but not too thin that it will tear when making the perogies. Using a round cookie cutter, glass, or knife, cut the dough into circles. Spoon in some of the filling into the center of the circle of dough. Fold the circle of dough in half and press the edges together, encasing the filling inside. Do this until all of the dough and filling is used.
The perogies can be put on a cookie tray and frozen, then once they are frozen, they can be put in bags or containers made for freezer storage.
To cook the perogies, bring a large pot of water to a boil (If they are frozen when they are dropped into the water they are at less risk to burst while they are cooking. One at a time, drop the perogies in the water. When they are done, they will float to the top. Using a spoon with holes in it, remove the perogies from the pot. Be sure not to boil them too long or they will become soggy.
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